In particular, the emergence of trade liberalization in Tanzania also meant inviting foreigners to embark on the establishment of 100% private entrepreneurship. Those who were already in the private sector had to accommodate the new economic environment. However, many indigenous Tanzanians were facing financial infrastructural impediment. To address this situation, people had to be linked to some affordable capital finance and their respective enhancement facilities (financial security instruments) for them to participate alongside foreigners investing in the Tanzania. In the case of the Public sector, there were serious financial constraints in the implementation of their own social-economic development programs which needed new investments. However, in more recent years, the government introduced the Public-Private Partnership [PPP] in order to alleviate financial, management and maintenance constraints. It is in this spirit, that private entrepreneurship is being encouraged.

The abundance of natural resources and business opportunities available in Africa, Tanzania in particular, is itself a big challenge to Tanzanians. A full utilization of these resources by Tanzanians would not only create employment, but also make the economy grow substantially. Tanzania is therefore a big market for both local and foreign investments. But the important question for Tanzania to move forward is; how should it deal with the capital availability constraints? One major result of this development was the introduction of the concept of outsourcing funds, Credit/Loans enhancement (securities) and services which came to the forefront of the business scene in the country and a long with it, a big market for corporate support services emerged. Naturally, more private companies were needed to service this market.

Our company, COMTAZ finance AFRICA Limited was therefore established in 2007 to address these impediments.